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Dependenters Tables

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Advanced options of dependenters tables of users
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T a b l e   t y p eT i m e   r a n g e
Please select type of table. Supreme total login time increase
Supreme total login time decrease
Supreme level ascent
Supreme level drop
Time range specify starting and ending date for table calculation. These dates cannot be the same. In case, that second date will be earlier than first one, dates will be automatically exchanged. Starting date

Ending date

L e v e l sU s e r n a m e s
Criterion defines subset of users, which fulfil conditions of selected levels. Starting level is level in starting day, ending level is level in ending day. If no entry from list is selected, it means that level can be arbitrary. Ending level
On this place you can define particular usernames, for which will be table compiled. Separate entries by space character. It is also possible to use wildcard, asterisk character (*). It means arbitrary sequence of characters.
T T L   c o n d i t i o n sR e c o r d   c o u n t s
Bounding output table to users fulfiling defined TTL (total login time) conditions. Also in case table of TTL decrease, enter only positive values of numbers.
Count of  days hours mins
Count of  days hours mins
Table will contains maximum number of records. List will start with defined starting record. Numbers of records

Starting record
U s e r   t y p eS u b m i t
Stable users are users, that are located in database in both selected dates. In case, that user in not in first date, it is considered as new user. If user is not in second date, it is considered as deleted. All
Debug SQL query

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